Monday, March 16, 2009

Let's go green.

The title of this post is inspired by Voltes V's "Let's volt in.", and Sexy Nomad's title post on her blog. (No copyright intended.)

I really, really like to join Earth Hour, this coming March 28, 2009, Saturday, at 8:30 p.m., but I couldn't. Why? Because that day is my cousin's wedding, but there's a possibility that I may participate. I don't know any person that I know about the aforementioned event, nor any event/s that will take place.

According to this article, "the Philippines ranked 9th in terms of total sign-ups. All Filipinos are urged to sign up at Earth Hour's global website:"

These Pinoy blogs I visit have posts about global warming. The firist one, Greater Good Philippines, tackles about Earth Hour. The second and third one, Sexy Nomad, and edgarneverendingquest (Edgar Never Ending Quest), focuses on global warming.

These are the links:
Greater Good Philippines: Philippine Cities Embrace Earth Hour
Sexy Nomad: Go Green!
edgarneverendingquest (Edgar Never Ending Quest): summer and global warming, and my province

Other information:
WWF Philippines: Prepare for Earth Hour
EarhHour: Philippine Cities Embrace Earth Hour

Other links:

WWF Philippines
Earth Hour
World Wide Fund for Nature on Wikipedia.
Earth Hour on Wikipedia.
Global warming on Wikipedia.
Earth Hour 2009 on YouTube.
Earth Hour Global on Flickr.
WWFDan on YouTube.

Here is the video from Earth Hour's blog called Earth Hour 2009 Movie:

Here is the video from Earth Hour's website called Earth Hour 2009:

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