Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Watchmen (film)

Warning: This post may contains spoilers. Reading at your own risk/s.

I watched Watchmen last March 7, Saturday, with my parents, 2/two older brothers, and my older borther’s girlfriend, in Cinema 7 of TriNoma. The screening was 10 p.m.

The movie was just okay for me, and I didn’t expect that the movie/film have backstory/ies of the characters of the aforementioned movie/film. And also, the director aforementioned movie/film, is also the director of the controversial movie/film version of Frank Miller’s 300, and that is Zack Snyder. Watchmen is a movie/film based on a graphic novel.

At first, it’s hard for me to understand the movie/film because:

1) it has backstory/ies of the characters

2) some of the audince are noisy

3) I am not a big fan of Watchmen, graphic novels, comics, etc (though I was impressed, with Heath Ledger’s performance, in The Dark Knight). (I’m not criticizing this kind of medium/media.)

4) it has scenes that has/have been cut by Movie and Television Review and Classification Board.

And also, I am not a fan of any of the following, the movie/film has:

gore/blood scenes - yes, it has gore/blood scenes;

(very) violent scenes - which is expected, for this kind of movie/film;

bed scenes - I didn’t expected that there will be such scenes

In my humble opinion, the movie/film falls under alternate histroy, and alternate reality.

I learned that the iMax version of the aforementioned movie/film, is cancelled in the iMax Theater of SM Mall of Asia. These are the 2/two blogs, about the cancellation of the Alan Moore graphic novel, in the aforementioned theater: Coke and Comics, and Azrael’s Merryland.

This is my first attempt to make a movie review.

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